# Intro

Victor Carpio Fernández

Freelance Fullstack Developer | Barcelona, Spain
Victor Carpio

# Projects

Antisink App

Web, iOS and Android App

Enhance user security and theft protection through IoT boat tracking.

Typescript React CapcitorJS Mongoose Google Maps Google Cloud Firebase

Shellock Platform

Web platform and rest API

Real-time updates from anywhere in the world managed with some clicks.

Typescript React Mongoose Google Maps Google Cloud Jest

# Experience


2023 - Currently | Fullstack Developer


2023 | Fullstack Developer


2021 - 2023 | CTO & Fullstack Developer

Building an IoT infrastructure, interface and customer's API. Pitching at events and partnership development. Customer success for support and product development.


2018 | Mobile Web Specialist

Website layout and styling, networking, accessibility, PWA, progressive enhancement, performance, optimisation and caching. Security, testing and debugging. JS design principles.


2017 - 2021 | Frontend Tech Lead

Solving technical problems equally well with OO, DOM oriented, or JS. Understanding web technology stack. Providing technical support to the team and customer success. Supporting the team by conducting educational talks about the product and technologies. Developing technical standards to review and generate code.